Privacy Policy

Here is a brief description of our Privacy Policy.

Divine Creations will not misuse or sell your personal information like your name, address, email address etc.

Here is what personal data we will be collecting & how we will be using the same:

When you visit our website/store, we collect some information about your device internet protocol (IP) address, web browser you will be using, operating system & also timezone. We will be collecting more device information as you browse through different webpages or different products you will view on the website. Other information like which keyword or search term referred you to our website. It will generally involve the process of your interaction with our website.

The personal information you provide us during your interaction with our website will be used for addressing any concerns, enquiries you may have about our products/services etc.  

The personal information you provide us will be used to provide you with information about the different offers by the company & the different products & services offered.

The information you provide us will be used to send you update about important changes done by the company to Terms & Condition Page, Privacy policy Page, Refund Policy Page or other important information.

The information you provide us while completing a purchase on our website like your name, billing and shipping address details, credit card details & other payment information, email address & phone numbers. We will only be using this information to reply back to you about the purchases & assist you in shipping of the purchased goods.

Third Party Services:
Kindly make a note that the third-party providers which we use will only collect your information & use them to provide the services they offer us. They will disclose the information to the extent necessary.

Incase you are redirected to a third-party website from our website we will not be responsible about the privacy policy of their sites. You can go ahead and read their privacy policy page & terms & conditions page.

Age Consent:  
Only people above 18 years old are allowed to view the website

Data Store:
Incase you make a purchase on our website we may store your order information for record purpose only.

We may change our Privacy Policy
We can change/update our Privacy Policy Page without prior notification. We request you to read our Privacy Policy from time to time and be updated with the latest changes.

If you need more information about our Privacy Policy page you can drop us an email to [email protected]


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